This project was done in collaboration with Denver Community Active Living Coalition, Walk Denver, and the local neighborhood organization, Community Coalition for Barnum. Weir Gulch is a trail that runs through the Denver neighborhood of Barnum. As part of a neighborhood walkability project, I volunteered my skills to create a wayfinding map to help people find their way along the disconnected trail path. The map decals were printed on vinyl and installed at key locations along the trail that were in need of wayfinding signage.
I also created stencils that serve as trail "breadcrumbs." Because much of the land in Barnum was once owned by circus tycoon, P.T. Barnum, I used circus animal paw prints as a fun and whimsical way to help pedestrians and cyclists follow the trail. I worked with groups of volunteers to paint the stencils along the path.
I also created stencils that serve as trail "breadcrumbs." Because much of the land in Barnum was once owned by circus tycoon, P.T. Barnum, I used circus animal paw prints as a fun and whimsical way to help pedestrians and cyclists follow the trail. I worked with groups of volunteers to paint the stencils along the path.